
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Tuesday Platform

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden...

Happy Valentine's Day to all friends, poets, travellers! What a great day to share poetry in the toads' patch of the blogosphere.

A Writer in Love.

I was just a word weaver
What did I know of love?

Only that
Some days when the words weren’t enough,
I knew
I was in love.
Saiber, Stardust and Sheets

Please link up a poem of your choice today - and bring the love.


  1. Linking up something very much un-valentine

  2. Happy Valentine's Day everyone💖 I'll be around as soon as I come back home from work😊

  3. I'm linking up something tragic - perhaps a result of Valentine's Day...

  4. Happy St Valentine's Day to all

    much love...

  5. I entered a love sonnet although it might not appear to be such.

  6. And now for something completely different...

  7. I never know when my fugitive memories will make themselves was fun to reminisce about old Jackson Lake. There's love in it.

  8. Oh I am late to add my link today! It's been a whirlwind of a Valentine's Day but so full of love. Will get in some quiet reading time tomorrow--perhaps I'll link my romantic poem again next week--a bit earlier in the day. Love to all -- Stacie

  9. Mine is about love with a bit of a difference! (The kind they tell us we all should have.)

  10. I love this song. Thank you for putting it on. Am always late but always arrive and looking forward to reading the poems.

  11. I'm late and my poem is definitely not a valentine. Hope everyone is having a good week!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.