
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Tuesday Platform

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden!

There is one rule for The Tuesday Platform: SHARE.

Share a poem with us.
Share some time reading poems this week.
Share your thoughts when moved to do so.

(Higher criticism optional.)


  1. Happy Tuesday everyone❤️ I am feeling a little nostalgic today so I am sharing an oldie which is close to my heart! Hope you all like it!❤️

  2. here after a long time.. Just wanted to tell Sanaa that I am unable to open your link or blog..Kindly check

  3. Cooling rain showers this morning, here in St James, Trinidad. Wishing all a nice day

    much love...

  4. Sharing a poem written late for Magaly's prompt.

  5. Good morning, friends. Mine is a memorial poem for a dear friend who passed away a few weeks back. Just this morning I received the shocking news about another close friend dying in the night. Too much, too much. Overwhelming. Love to each and every one of you!! xoxxoxo M.

  6. May the saints preserve us all from higher criticism!

  7. God grant me the serenity to accept the close reading I can't Bronx cheer, the courage to read between their lines and the wisdom to not give a crap.

  8. Only high delight from me, after reading all these wondrous and varied treasures.

  9. Happy Wednesday though am rather late with Tuesdays somewhat mournful offering


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.