
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Play it Again, Toads!

This weekend we revisit archived challenges of the Imaginary Garden. This affords us the opportunity to catch up on a recent prompt we may have missed or allows us to explore the side bar (2011 - 2017).

The Youthful Poet's Dream
William Blake (1820)

Alternatively, select a prompt from the three I have highlighted below. I have not included a Flash 55 prompt. However, that is an Open Challenge on the first weekend of each month so any 55-worders are welcome.

1.  Fireblossom Fridays: Arrivals & Departures - December 2011

2.  Get Listed! - September 2014

3.  Sunday Mini-Challenge: Carilda Olivar Labra - February 2015

Feel free to write to more than one prompt. The link stays open and at the top of the home page until Tuesday.


  1. Mine is based on the list but I have mixed a bit from the other prompts as well...

  2. Get Listed 2015 prompt for me.

  3. Get Listed works for me (three)

  4. I voted for "Get Listed" also. I like to do them EVEN IF I broke Grapling's rule. No, I did not bring my dog.

  5. I went with Grace's prompt as I had never heard of Carilda Olivar Labra and was really taken by her poetry. I got so carried away, I linked my poem to the original prompt!

  6. I chose Fireblossom's Arrivals and Destinations. This is the first thing I've written since Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas.

  7. Was tempted most by Grace's prompt and Carilda's 'Eve's Discourse' - always fun to burrow in the archives and discover new poets


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.