
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Tuesday Platform


I had swayed. Nothing else. But suddenly I knew
In the depth of my silence
He was following me. Like my shadow, blameless and light
In the night, a song sobbed…
The Indians lengthened, winding, through the alleys of the town.
A harp and a jacaranda were the music, and the smiling dark-skinned girls
Were the happiness
In the background, behind the “Zócalo,” the river shined
and darkened, like
the moments of my life.
He followed me.
I ended up crying, isolated in the porch of the parish church,
protected by my bolita shawl, drenched with my tears

-Frida Kahlo

Welcome to the Tuesday Platform! This is where you can poem any thoughts or ideas for our eager eyes and ears. Please share a piece of your choice and don't forget to read, comment and even share the writings of your fellow scribes. We're looking forward to this! Please stop by to read the 'Toad Chat' between Kerry and Kim tomorrow!


  1. Welcome on board , KB- glad to see your contribution.

  2. Hello toads! I can't wait to read all your offerings today!

  3. I am Rob Kistner. Just recently began writing and posting again after several years of failing health. A recent pacemaker put me back in the game. As a matter of background, I'm 71, writing since age 16. When I was young I wrote lyrics for my rock band. In the years since then writing for pleasure only. Was a participant in numerous online writing communities in the past, going back to early 2000's - including Dana Guthrie Martin's "Read Write Poem" community. I am in the process of again updating Image & Verse, the longest established of my sites on which I publish my work. I have also personally published several poetry writing prompt sites In the past. Investigating what's out here these days. Just learned of this site. Looks like a quality endeavor. First time posting here. Glad to give it a shot. I'll try not to track any mud onto the carpet... :-)

  4. Such a mesmerizing painting and poem. Thanks for hosting, Viv.

  5. Hello Rob! So glad to have you here. You obviously come with a wealth of experience and poetry. I've had the pleasure of visiting your site...and I really enjoyed your writing. We hope to see more of you here.

  6. Good morning Toads! Welcome, Rob! Nice to be in such great company again.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey, I hope you all are having a good day. The poem is indeed beautiful, painting such a picture of melancholy.
    I understand that my link was dead. I have corrected it — while editing, I had changed the status to private for a bit but forgot to correct it after that. Apologies for the inconvenience. Hehe.

  9. Thank you for hosting Vivian. I do love Frida so. I look forward to visiting everyone.

  10. Thank you for the poem, Vivian. I read of this as an attempted but botched escape from a threatening arranged marriage. I'll probably not post again as my life has become hectic. That would be my theme for today if I had written or do write. Mrs. Jim has had bunion and other matters foot surgery and I am care giver. My duties have overcome my progress.

  11. Joining a bit late with a bit of romance.

  12. Hello everyone! Good evening, Viv. Thanks for the image and poem.I'll be back in the morning to read and comment - it's been one of those days...

  13. Good Evening, Toads! Thanks, Vivian! Wecome, Rob! Enjoy, all! :)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.