
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Your lesser known cryptids....

Hiya Garden Dwellers,

Welcome back to the Out of Standard where I lay at your feet a challenge to shake you out of the ordinary. And today’s prompt is a little more on the wild side than usual.  

Getting comfy with less popular cryptids
A cryptid is an animal presumed to exist by people, even though there is no valid scientific evidence to prove it is real. And oh sure…there are a few that come to mind right away: bigfoot, the lochness monster, yeti, chupacabra.  Those cryptids get all the attention, all the fan fare. 

So today, we are going to dive a little deeper and our pens will get a little weirder. 

Your challenge: Choose a lesser known crypid from this wikipedia list (one you did not know existed) and write a poem about it.  

That's it. The platform is yours. The mic is warm.

Keep in mind
Like every challenge, your poem must by newly written and not one which you have previously written which conveniently fits the theme.

So go now, my muddy buddies, and bring us back something shiny and new.


  1. Good evening Izy! I found this one quite tricky: choosing a cryptid to write about and coming up with poem. I'm excited about what other toads will write.

  2. Hi all! A most fitting subject for Halloween! Especially the spooky Jersey Devil. I am looking forward to seeing what others have written. Oddly, Dragons were not on the list on Wikipedia. I am assuming Dragons are real! <3

  3. Hi Izy.. A great challenge. I've had something in mind that suits (conveniently) your theme but I have tried to write this afternoon to no avail. Heat exhaustion, with temps about 106F I can't think straight but I shall return when my brain goes off the boil.

  4. Hi folks. Just realized the wring link to my Poem and I can't delete is #2. #7 is the correct link.

  5. I'm trying ... this is a hard challenge - I've only come up with rubbish so far. I DO love your creative prompts!

  6. I fixed your link Toni.. but so love that confessional poem!

  7. Sara, I have also corrected your link.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.