
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Weekend Mini-Challenge: Pick 2 Prompts, Any Prompts! then Senryū or Elfchen or Cherita

If you’ve read me once or thrice, you probably already know that I love merging prompts and writing very short poetry. So, when the time came for me to say goodbye to my Imaginary Garden with Real Toads hosting days (for now, at least *cough*), a last prompt that merges two prompts to create a very short poem feels just right.

Keeping that wee bit in mind… for today’s prompt, I invite everyone to take two prompts, any prompts, and merge the two topics to create a new senryū, or elfchen, or cherita poem. Your chosen prompts can come from anywhere or any-when, just make sure to include the link to both prompts. Only one poem per poet.
Senryū: “three lines with 17 morae (or “on”, often translated as syllables…). Senryū tend to be about human foibles… and are often cynical or darkly humorous.” ~ Wikipedia

Elfchen: “a short poem with a given pattern. It contains eleven words which are arranged in a specified order over five rows. Each row has a requirement that can vary: 1st line (1 word), a thought, an object, a color, a smell or the like; 2nd line (2 words) what does the word from the first row do? 3rd line (3 words) where or how is the word of row 1? 4th line (4 words) what do you mean? 5th line (1 word) conclusion: What results from all this? What is the outcome?” ~ Wikipedia

Cherita: “the Malay word for story or tale… consists of a single stanza of a one-line verse, followed by a two-line verse, and then finishing with a three-line verse.” ~ CHERITA [1--2--3]

There you have it, dear Toads. Choose 2 prompts, any prompts! and birth a new poem out of them (a senryū, or elfchen, or cherita). Add the direct link to your new poem to Mr. Linky. Visit other poets.

Thanks a million for letting me host poetry prompts these last few years
You rocketh very mucho (and then some).
Really, I know these things.


  1. I'm extremely excited to see what everyone will come up with. I just love what goes into (and what comes out) of very short poetry. So, bring it on, my dear Toads!

  2. I lovely challenge, Magaly. So sad this will be your last prompt for a while though.

  3. @Kerry, So glad love it! Since I haven't been able to post more than once a week for some time, I'm looking for ways to delight in as many of the prompts as I can. Merging them makes sense. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe I'll get lucky (and my time will get more plentiful). If that happens, well... you know. :-)

  4. I couldn't not jump in for this last, for a little while at least, prompt.

  5. @Rommy, Mischievous double negatives and not-quite-forever goodbyes seem to be somewhat definitely irresistible (at least for some of us). 🤣

  6. *snicker* I didn't not mean to do that. 😂

  7. Quick and ???? I chose the Cherita, thank you Magaly, for introducing it. The form was fun, I "doubled" badly.

  8. @Jim, You are most welcome. I love the form. There is something extra special (for a poet and storyteller) about a poem that tells a story. Thank you so much for playing along!

  9. Magaly!!
    Here is a cherita for you. I wasn't able to write last weekend to my own "trinket" prompt and I love Kerry's human/landscape interactions. And I'd say this also is prompted by seeing the movie Crawl this weekend LOLOL

  10. @Marian, I'm sooo glad you got to write. I totally love your poem.

  11. Magaly- Sad this is your last prompt for a bit. I look forward to your creativity. Joining you with a cherita. This is a form I have done before, but have not done in a while, so thank you so much.

  12. @Linda, I will continue to participate here (and I will keep hosting at Poets United). But yes, goodbyes are rarely happy.

    Thanks so much for joining!

  13. Thank you for all your challenges. Maybe this will free you up to write more - enjoy and glad you will still be in the Garden! :)

  14. Oh goodbyes have teeth and tears...Happy for your much needed respite, but sorry you won't delight our muses with prompts. Love this one! I am so much an anti form rebel (because I suck at them), but I went all in with all three. :)

  15. Oops...I failed to follow directions

  16. @Margaret, You are most welcome. You are also correct, letting go of a things (or three) gives me more time to ink.

    @Susie, You sucketh at form not at all. I love every single one of them, the extras too. :-D

  17. Sorry I'm late to your last prompt for a while, dear Magaly, but I've been away with daughter and grandson. I've chosen the elfchen for my favourite cheeky elf!

  18. Kim, Your deliciously scented poetry is never late. I hope you had a fantastic time with your family.

    P.S. Cheeky Elf has been my handle for more than one game (you know me well), lol!


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.