
Friday, December 6, 2019

Art FLASH! / 55 in December

As this is the last Art FLASH! prompt in The Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, and in response to a recent request, I am sharing my own art in the form of Oracle Cards I made with a few of my paintings from October/Inktober 2019.

Oracle Cards are simply a tool that offers a way to focus your intuition so you can tune into spiritual guidance and insight. They are cards that we can use to access our own source of inner Divine wisdom, spiritual guidance and insight. Read MORE.

Pharos ~ The Lighthouse
Kerry O'Connor

The first card I am sharing, I have named Pharos after the first lighthouse constructed in the city of Alexandria, Egypt and one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The symbolism of any tower is dual at its core: on the one hand it is phallic, mighty, erect, denoting power and spirit reaching from the earth to the heavens. On the other hand, it is feminine, reminiscent of an enclosed area, a walled sanctuary, and a safe haven. The Tower of Ivory was one of the names given to the Virgin Mary in her protective role of offering refuge and comfort. Read MORE.

Pacifico ~ The Pacific Ocean
Kerry O'Connor

Since this is December, and we are approaching the end of the Real Toads cycle, I am offering this bonus card: Pacifico. The name 'Pacifico' is a version of 'pacify' or 'peaceful'. It was named by the explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1520 as he sailed through a calm patch of water on the ocean. Despite its name, the Pacific is a vast body of water teeming with activity and still waiting to be explored. Read MORE.

For this challenge you may select either of the cards (or both) and write an original poem for this prompt. Let the cards speak to you and guide your pen to write something:  Literal! Figurative! Reflective! Narrative! Symbolic!

As an alternative, you may write a Flash Fiction 55 inspired by the art, or on a subject of your choice, in memory of Galen, who first imagined this challenge.
Prose is acceptable but must be within the limit of 55 words!

If you repost the image on your blog, please give attribution to yours truly,  Kerry O'Connor, using the following link:

If you post your poem on Instagram, using either image, please tag me @skyloverpoetry.

The prompt is open all weekend, and please feel free to enter two poems to the Linky below, if you feel inspired to write to both.


  1. I have loved bringing the various FLASH! prompts to the Garden over the years. The Flash 55, wherein it originated, was the brainchild of the beloved, late Galen, who passed the meme over to us when he retired from hosting on his blog. Now it is my time to retire from the Imaginary Garden, so I am most pensive, thinking about all the many lives who have touched mine on this wonderful journey. I am most grateful for every opportunity I got to learn from other people about the art of poetry writing.

    I do hope you will find inspiration from these two illustrations I have shared. I look forward to reading your work.

    Thank you for your support, and never stop writing to art, photography and in the form of the miraculous 55!

  2. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the FLASH! prompts, Kerry, and will miss them and the Garden. The rest of this month is going to be intense.

  3. I love camera FLASH, and love the cards you created!

  4. Well, I couldn't miss this last 55, Kerry, for Galen's sake and yours. Thanks for all you have done to make this place a home for us all, where the fire is always burning, where there is always something to support and inspire. I will miss it, and so many of the friends who gathered here, but I know we have forged connections here that may yet keep us all together, if nothing more than in memory.

  5. We will keep visiting and reading each others' work for sure, my wouldnt be a DAY unless I had checked in online to see what you all have written. Thanks for all the Flash 55's, Kerry, and for so much else..........and a tip of the hat to Galen.

  6. I am going to miss these art flashes and the 55's. I like Sherry will be following you all and reading your poetry. Thank you Kerry for these creative prompts. And thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork with us. And thank you to all the Toads. Bless you all.

  7. So great to see much of the old gang still here, still knocking out such accomplished, still shimmying into a 55 corset for a dance in the Garden! Thanks Kerry for all your work over the years to provide a resonant and meaningful platform amid so much deafening noise.

  8. Kerry, love your art and the inspiration it brings!

  9. I joined late with my 55 and it's soon bedtime. I will try to catch a up a bit in the morning. Here it's bedtime now.

  10. kerry- Thank you for all your dedication over the years. Although I am relatively new (2017), I have grown and learned so much from both participating in the various prompts and getting the amazing feedback. THANK YOU- I am deeply grateful. And, I love your art!

  11. Because this prompt is da coolest, I have written and linked a second poem. I hope that this does not constitute a grievous contravention of any applicable rules or local customs. ;-)

  12. Had a busy week and weekend. Celebrated birthday. Went to a concert and out salsa dancing. Gave myself some time off blogging to enjoy other things in life and not stress out about views. Which led me to write something totally different.
    Already Sunday evening here, but if possible I’ll try to write something in the 55 form also...

  13. Hmm... I understood it to be a poem dedicated to the artwork OR a 55. I hope it wasn't meant to be only 55 words as I am over... ?


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.