
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Mini Challenge: Live A Little

Fireblossom here with a mini challenge. What do you live to do? I don't mean what passes the time, or what you are obligated to do, or what seems to be the right thing to do. I mean, what, if you couldn't do it, would just undo you? (or maybe you're not doing it, and it is undoing you. Write about that.) 

What gets your heart started, what makes you feel in your element and alive? What do you just have to do? If there isn't anything like that in your life, what might put it there? Tell me about it, in a poem.

It might be a passion, a talent, a cause, or an emotion like love. It could be your job, if you're passionate about that. It could be....writing poetry.

Small print: please write a NEW poem especially for this challenge, and link it back here, to Toads. Smaller print, because I can: no haiku! I look forward to visiting each of you passionate Toads.


  1. As always Shay--a wild and engaging challenge. I am remarkably apathetic this weekend after weeks of heat and meds, but I resurrected something from a more passionate past and reconstructed it rather thoroughly for this. Hope it will pass muster.

  2. no haiku. lol yes, boss. i'll see what I can come up.

  3. Wow, Shay you spoke to my fragmented mind! I'm beyond frustrated with trying to find the time to listen to the whispers of my creative heart! Maybe this poem will help soothe my savage beast mood~

    Thank you~

  4. Shay ~~ love it when you get all
    up-close and personal. Assuming the 'no haiku' dictum is meant for me?


  5. I thought I was the only haikuist. lol. But I still worked the word in ;-O

  6. Some ruby rose by the Morehead Planetarium in Chapel Hill, NC I can feel its softness, inhale its rarer atmosphere - but no one plucked them fines or not...after long walks and exhaustion concrete seems a feather bed. So, Fireblossom you inspired a poem about the very question itself rather than some less than earthly desire - that is a far as I got.

  7. But, what if I'm passionate about haiku?

    I'm having to spend most of my time flat on my back at the moment, but I'll see what I can do.

  8. Thank you for this prompt, Fireblossom. I nearly posted this morning's poem as it's really on the same subject, but I found more on my way to the bread and the wine. And my comments are back on. I miss Toads.

  9. It's perhaps too warm for me to think clearly. Yet, here is something anyways. Have a good rest of your weekend... ~ M

  10. Enjoyed the prompt...
    a good challenge for me...
    drew a blank til I knew
    some had a scent...
    sounds delightful.

  11. I didn't write on the tulips site...sigh. Getting old or tired or both ! Sorry !

  12. Thanks for this intriguing challenge, Shay. Sorry I'm not around much this weekend - the in-laws are visiting from NZ. I hope to get a chance to read the contributions later in the week.

  13. A wonderful challenge Shay ~ I am vacationing in Vancouver at the moment and will try to see if I can write for this prompt ~

    And in other news, I can't believe Glee's star Cory is dead and we were going around the Vancouver area all of yesterday ~ Wishing you all happy weekend ~

  14. And a Tanka or a Senryu are not haiku...they come from the same historical roots though... ;)

    Thank you, for the challenge, Shay!

  15. Okay, Shay, the topic is something I'd normally address in prose not poetry. I did however add a link and it's not what I think you had in mind but it strongly speaks to what I live for, what I'm passionate about: speaking truth. Speaking for those who can't speak. I am passionate about railing against injustice, cruelty, violence. This is why I write.

  16. Love the challenge! I went with my passion for music. :)

  17. Cup Of Tea...I couldn't comment at your page without creating an account I didn't want to create, but I love that you're a Cardinals fan! I visited St. Louis one weekend just to take in a couple of Cardinals games. It was great. Best fans in America.

  18. SWAMPED with summer and I had an oldie in mind... it isn't new AND most likely NOT what you were looking for. I didn't link it, but I tried to write something else... and I'm not sure what it would be. (pathetic, I know) I posted it on July 16th. :) I didn't forget you...


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.