Photos: McCann
In case you are wondering I am not endorsing or selling Sony TV's. I am providing inspiration. The sheer visual beauty of the images is breathtaking, but just imagine addressing the sense of smell or touch as well. Can you imagine surfing through velvet brilliance or the sky smelling of orchids? Interpretation is wide open on this. I have also included some quotes about flowers to assist your muse.
plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.” Rabindranath Tagore
our destiny stems from our name, then I weep for the flower named Wilt.” Jarod
“If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment.” ― Georgia O'Keeffe
“I morphed from a fly to a flower to a butterfly, which is like a combination flower and fly. I thought I was in love, but I was merely asleep.”
― Jarod Kintz, Xazaqazax
Please create a new piece for the challenge, add it to Mr. Linky, and visit your fellow poets to read what grew from floral inspiration.
Great photos, and thanks for sharing that!
Not sure how close I came to floral explosions, Susie, but there*are* flowers. ;_) Thanks for hosting for us with these beautiful images.
blogoratti, thank you
hedgewitch, anything you write will be awesome. I left interpretation on the challenge wide open. It is just a starting point.
I will be a little late reading, writing and commenting. My daughter, Dawn, had a health emergency this week. A large blood clot formed in her left leg. She was supposed to have an MRI Tuesday, but there was an insurance issue. Now she will have a CT scan tomorrow, June 5th. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. We want it to show good news! She is so brave, but even Super Heroes need lifting once in a while.
Praying for your daughter, Susie. And I will be playing a bit late but what a beautiful challenge. Thank you.
Thank you for the floral opportunity!
i wrote mine as a visual, tactile and emotional stimulus piece. it's not necessarily 'floral'
positive thoughts to you and your daughter, Susie Clevenger
Rosemary, your link is not working. I get a page not found error.
Beautiful images, Susie--all best to you and your daughter. k.
Susie, sending love to Dawn and you and your family!
I so hope everything will be all right for you and Dawn...
Lifting your daughter up in prayer today, Susie.
Thank you for this gorgeous prompt.
So timely! The Maple pods have started dropping here! :) Thank you, Susie for the inspiration!
Playing just before the clock strikes midnight.. but I just had to stretch my imagination for this beautiful prompt - and I'm afraid this didn't go in the direction I thought it would! Will be back tomorrow to finish visiting the other poets.
Thanks everyone for your beautiful contributions. I am so blessed to have such talent to lift me and light the way when life gets a bit too tough.
I put the correct link in for Rosemary (16)
Hello everyone,
I m so glad I made it :D just came back a couple of hours ago. It was a good trip. Sharing my poem "Rose Petals", hope you all like it!
Thank you Susie for this wonderful opportunity :D
Lots of love,
Thanks again everyone for your kind words about Dawn and your participation in the challenge.
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