
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Tuesday Platform

Welcome to the Imaginary Garden!

(From Charles M. Schulz Museum Archives, originally published June 7, 1958.)

The Tuesday Platform is a place for sharing poetry. Link up a poem from your blog, old or new. Then visit, read, and comment on the offerings of others. Simple! Enjoy, and we look forward to reading your work.

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  1. Hello... Love unconditional love...(but I tend to have reservations for mosquitoes and tics). Will get back to read later.

  2. Thank you Marian. I took the other fork, opposite of Bjorn.

  3. Wonderful cartoon, thank you, Marian. k.

  4. Hello dear friends and you - I wanted to leave a note for but couldn't figure how: here's the note: Loved your poem - it is sensual and grateful, two excellent qualities!

  5. Something unusual for me, an old spiritual poem that I wrote, in the summer of 2014, during a severe bout of agoraphobia, that kept me, apartment-bound, for the entire summer.

  6. Thank you for the comic Marian! It gave me a smile when I needed one, brought some light in. I linked up a bit of prose poetry on light that I wrote a while ago. Have a great day Toads! :-)

  7. Oh, how I love Peanuts – and especially this one.

  8. I so enjoyed the Peanuts comic! Today I'm linking a poem about something we all use and obey.

    I hope everyone has a good week!

    Hugs! Bekkie


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.