
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Weeds in the Garden

Summer’s arrival in my hometown brings some glorious blooms. My Casablanca lilies could be doing better, but I’m thrilled that my careful tending of a black hollyhock seed a couple of years ago has finally yielded results.

Isn't she regal?

Of course there are gatecrashers in the garden. I am again fighting back the bindweed that winds itself around everything that gets near it (and I'm fairly sure it's not helping my poor lilies at all).  But it looks like there are some lovely wild violets about to debut in the backyard. I hope they spread out a bit more.

Today’s prompt is inspired by my labors in my garden. Use weeds as a motif in crafting your poetry. Feel free to play with the prompt any way that inspires you as long as weeds are woven into them. As always, the poem you link up needs a new one and remember to stop by the other poets to see what’s growing in their yards.


  1. I really enjoyed writing to this prompt!

  2. How very apt for the Imaginary Garden! thank you for bringing us this inspiring prompt.

  3. I have not been writing much this summer, but yesterday morning, I woke up with a poem in my head, and lo and behold, it had weeds in it. I call that synchronicity, dear Rommy--thanks for this prompt which is close to the gardener's heart. In horticulture class, we were taught to define a weed as 'a plant out of place.' Will be around later to visit.

  4. It's funny that the idea of plants (seemingly) out of place inspired my actual poem too! I am excited to read everyone's responses. They've been terrific so far.

  5. I have written something quickly and will be back later to read... love the thought of weed, and tried to stay away from the cannabis version.

  6. You know I wouldn't be able to resist this prompt. So thanks so much, Rommy love! Can't wait to see what everyone one else has planted. ♥

  7. I grew up with a children's book in Swedish describing the class society in the garden plants vs the weeds... all done in wonderful drawings by Elsa Beskow..

    Check out this image of the weeds:

  8. Weeds are a nice topic to write about. I have several blogs either using them, about them, or at least mentioning them.
    This will be another. Thank you, Rommy.

  9. Thank you, Rommy for the inspiring challenge. :)

  10. I took a positive spin on the prompt. I need it. Thanks Rommy for the inspiration.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.