
Monday, April 3, 2017

Speaking for Spring’s Stillborn Sprouts

Greetings, dear Toads. Welcome to the third day of our Poems in April challenge.

Some weeks ago, people were absolutely delighted about the freakishly warm weather dancing around the Northeast region of the US. I won’t lie—I, too, smiled at the feeling of spring in the middle of winter. But after speaking to a few friends who grow fruit trees, my smiles vanished. They are worried about the effects the unseasonably warm weather will have on their trees.  
Flower buds damaged by the cold.

I’ve been thinking about the exchange quite a bit, wondering what the barren plants might be feeling, who would be on the receiving end of their sense of loss and outrage, what they might say if they could speak to us…

So, for today’s challenge, I invite you to write a new poem from the point of view of a grieving plant whose sprouts were just killed as a result of climate change.

“Empty Balaton tart cherry buds.”
image borrowed from
Good Fruit Grower

Feed Mr. Linky with the direct link to your poem. Visit other Toads. Be good to a plant or three.


  1. Loved the prompt, Magaly ❤️ sharing my poem '(when there bled) a red rose' hope you like it. Getting ready to go to work, will be back later to read and comment. Happy Monday y'all❤️

  2. I went a different direction, Magaly ~

  3. Good morning, Magaly! I decided to write from the perspective or my poorly plum. She is next to a quince, which does blossom quite well but has very few fruits. I feel sorry for them, as the apple trees seem to be just fine. Thanks for the prompt!

  4. Hmmm.. this forced me to think outside the box.
    Thanks, Magaly.

  5. I wrote TO the fruit trees, as the plants of my garden (collectively).

  6. Great prompt, and I grabbed this chance to use your form as well Magaly. Thanks for both.

  7. PS I need to go to bed now, so will be back to read others in my morning.

  8. I just finished reading the first round, and wow, my heart feels tender. I won't hide that some of you made me cry... and gave me hope.

  9. Just in...wee addition made...interesting prompt....lots of reading and commenting to catch up on.

  10. Thankful for this inspiration today, Magaly. Thank you!

  11. well, this got a little weird. combining prompts does that

  12. Thanks for the inspiration, Magaly!

  13. OH! MY! GOODNESS! This is a prompt that really speaks to me. (I even feel all ouchy pulling carrots from the garden, lol.) Wonderfully imaginative, Magaly! Yay!

  14. I went brief... I will return later to read and comment... it's bedtime here.

  15. Thank you for your poetry, everyone. I've gone back for second readings, and well... some of your poems are even more powerful the second time around.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.