
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Tuesday Platform

Hello Friends! It’s Tuesday, your unprompted free-range day of the week in the Imaginary Garden. Today, please share with us something old, something new, or your April 4 entry for NaPoWriMo. And then hop around to read what other pond-dwellers have shared.

For those who need a prompt today, or who just want to revel in NaPoWriMo, I offer this *optional* extra teensy-tiny challenge: The ink is black, the paper’s white… Write a 5-line poem containing three colors. And… Go!

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  1. It was a fun challenge, Marian ❤️ I just posted my poem, I am at work.. will catch up on reading others when I come home. Happy Tuesday everyone ❤️

  2. I think I'd like to have a go at your prompt, Marian!

  3. I went teensy-tiny on this and a bit crazed ;)

  4. Hello everyone, am sharing an old poem that I wrote, as part of my trauma diary, on a peer support PTSD, about my anxiety/panic attacks feel like.

  5. Oh, that was fun! One never knows where these prompts will take one; the colours sparked a sweet, old memory.

  6. So glad to be here! Since today was a free for all, I posted the poem that came to me this morning from yesterdays prompt. Is that okay or should I have posted it in yesterday's prompt? Thank you for hosting this! Rasz

  7. Forgot to mention, you chose a great song which brought up teenage memories.

  8. i posted one I wrote last night and edited this am....we'll see

  9. No rules to what one posts today.. Anything goes.

  10. can someone relay my comment here to Therisa, I can't get the comment form to work on the post/poem "Outside of the Genderbox" here is my comment: "seems like the people who get hurt the most in this closed-minded world of ours are the brightest stars, open minds and hearts and loving acceptance for all
    beautiful; you remind me of my favorite quote by writer Ada Limon "It's hard to believe we were so hollowed out, so drained, only so we could shine a little harder when the light finally came."

  11. these prompts are taking me in surprisingly dark directions. i was probably also influenced by the new book i'm it goes

  12. I linked to the poem I wrote using today's NaPo prompt. Gosh, I still feel so rusty though! Hopefully someone will like it :p

  13. Many thanks for the opportunity to link here.
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]

  14. I was prompted to write from one of my photos. Happy Tuesday and day 4 NaPoWriMo.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.