
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sunday Challenge: Featuring Mike Worrall

Hello everyone !  I have the pleasure to introduce to you the work by Mike Worrall.  He is currently based in the Central Coast of NSW, Australia,  and has been a practicing artist since the early 60s and exhibits both locally and internationally. 

The enigmatic, dreamlike paintings of Mike Worrall are often inspired by historical themes.  Informed by his work in film, Worrall deals with the sublime in his hyperreal depictions of the mysterious.  As in a dream, the quiet façade and the beauty of the large scale oil paintings masks the intriguing content and enormous energy underpinning the works.  

The Trouble with Time, oil on canvas, 122x183cm, 2008-9

From his biography:   Born 1942 in Matlock Derbyshire, UK

"I have been painting since the early 1960's and am almost entirely self taught. I still retain the basic technique and style developed in these early years. I am committed to exploring the subconscious and I like Paul Delvaux and Max Ernst amongst others."

Bridge of Folly, oil on linen, 122x182cm, 2007

"As a child I was always intrigued by paintings involving some sought of mystery element. So I have tended to be drawn in this direction myself. Get the viewer guessing and wondering what it's about! Quite often I’m not sure myself but for some inexplicable reason it might work as a picture. I might not understand it myself even. It may be an expression on a face or just a pose or location."

 The Forgotten Expectation, oil on panel, 117x183cm, 2011

"I'm a firm believer that I should not have to attempt to explain the enigma to people and that the picture should retain some mystery for a lasting interest. This I hasten to add is not so with all work off course! I’m only referring to my surreal content paintings!

The Artist 
I'm interested in Dreams and Subconscious thoughts and the weirdness of how we go from one thought to another in an almost drifting process. Dreams are a great source of material for me. Not that I wake up and paint the dream that I may have had, even if I could remember it, I'd then have to most likely make up the details. My paintings are more deliberate and constructed with the element of change.

 Forest Terminal, oil on canvas, 122x182cm, 2007

I am an Intuitive painter. If it doesn't work in an Intuitive way, I can’t progress. I don't suppose that's all that unusual really, I suppose all artists are intuitive!"

Poets Corner, oil on linen, 122x155cm, 2002

For a complete view of his work, please visit here.

Our challenge is to write a new poem or prose poem or flash fiction (250 words limit)  based on the work & themes of Mike Worrall.  If you upload his image/s in your writing, please acknowledge the name of the artist and link to his work.  Mike has expressed interest in our work and I will be sending him the link after we have completed our challenge.   I will be checking in during the week to see if anyone else has linked up. 

Wishing you all Happy Weekend ~  

Grace (aka Heaven)


  1. This is a wonderful prompt, Grace. I just love surrealism, and I find it translates well to abstract thinking and poetry. You have an amazing knack of finding the most interesting artists to share their work with us on RT, and I thank you for that.

    A big thanks to Mike Worrall for his generosity in sharing his images so freely.

  2. Welcome Kerry ~ I look forward to reading everyone's interpretation of his work and sending him the link afterwards ~


  3. Thank you Grace! Mike's work is stunning-I am looking forward to this challenge, this dream!

  4. No trouble being inspired by this Art Kerry there is poetry screaming from his work.

  5. Ella, I'm looking forward to it ~

    Sam, I agree with you - his paintings are begging for stories * words ~ Thanks ~

  6. Wow! Beautiful mind shows in amazing paintings. I loved how much water Mike depicts and how he does it behind musicians and words. Gosh. Today, I let my concern for the Philippines enter the poem.

  7. Cool prompt, Heaven. Really fascinating artist.

  8. Susan - very fitting write, thanks ~

    M - thanks for linking up ~

  9. Grace, thanks so much for the prompt. Mike's work is beautiful and I am sure I will be inspired.

  10. Gonna try my best to get here tomorrow - busy weekend with college plays to attend (my son the drama major is in one), last horse show of the season and a trail ride tomorrow - out the door for a date with my husband now… It is funny, why does everything happen in ONE weekend?!!

  11. I can't wait to dive into these poems, but I am determined to write mine before reading any of the others... Something is brewing!


  12. Thank you for the great prompt Grace...and those beautiful worlds of lines and colors of Worrall speak volumes...

  13. All these pictures screamed poetry... I see the synthesis of Hopper and Magritte in them (especially the man in the hat... very inspiring.

  14. thank you Grace, and thank you Mike!

    i'm afraid i won't be able to visit anyone until tonight as i am preparing an early Thanksgiving dinner for my family. {smile}

    have a lovely Sunday everyone!


  15. Great challenge, Grace, and how really generous of Mr. Worrall to share these amazing pics with us. Thanks to you both.

  16. Great challenge! Waking up of all wild parts inside...Thanks to Grace and Mike Worrall!

  17. Cool paintings...great prompt Grace. Hope my words live up at least half way!!!!

  18. I am making my rounds now ~ Thanks to everyone who have participated so far ~

  19. really interesting artist, thanks both to you, Grace, and to Mike Worrall. glad to be introduced to his work.

  20. I absolutely love these paintings!!! Thank you Grace, and you too Mr. Worrall!

  21. Very late… and #24 - should be removed (I couldn't figure out HOW) sorry.

    Linking with Open Link Monday as well as I am so late here. Thanks!

  22. Margaret - Done ~

    Thanks so much for all the lovely responses ~

  23. Thank you for this interesting prompt. Mike's oil on canvas, The Trouble with Time, inspired my story almost immediately.

  24. Love these paintings. They all speak.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.