
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fireblossom Friday: Recipe For....Poetry

Hello dear Toads and Pond followers. Fireblossom here, standing in for Margaret this week. 

At the risk of drawing down the wrath of our very own Grapeling, I am going to ask you to use a list. However, unlike the Get Listed feature, YOU are going to provide the list, not me.

I want poems which include a list of some kind. Here are some ideas about types of lists you could use:

bucket list

to-do list

ingredients for a recipe, whether for food, a potion, or something else

guest list

shopping list

wish list

hit list

a line-up

things required or prohibited

symptoms and/or treatments

an inventory

personal effects

hate list

casualty/survivor list

instructions for something

There are, no doubt, many others. Feel free to come up with your own! Here is the thing, though. Don't just mention a list without telling us at least some of what's on it. Details, baby. That's what's required here. Please write a NEW poem specifically for this challenge, then link up! Have fun, listies.  



  1. This was challenging Shay, but I managed to pull a few bones up out of the ever-simmering cauldron for you. Thanks for getting me to write, as I am really not doing that much right now--and thanks for stepping in to host.

  2. Well, I've seen Stonehenge and I always sleep with my windows open in Summer but Machu Picchu remains a goal.

    Many thanks for stepping in at short notice with a great challenge.

  3. I have to get this some thinking.. lists are excellent but I have to think where to go with it..

  4. I need to do a bucket list for a workshop I take part in but...I have a different list for today. Thank you for the post, Shay. :)

  5. A list that just came to me, Shay, sort of a list.

  6. Hello everyone,

    Sharing my poem "Inspiration", hope you all like it :D

    Thank you Shay for the wonderful opportunity :D hope you like it :D

    Lots of love

  7. Dangit! I put the wrong link up! How do I fix this?

  8. Looks like I "listed" my name twice on mr Linky. Sorry. The second one works.

  9. aw heck, I could never get mad at you, Shay. heck, I may even steal this idea next time I'm up.

    Didn't think I had a poem in me - well, maybe I didn't, but put something up anyways.

    Best to all ~

  10. Katy, if you'll give me the proper link, I'll fix it for you. Thanks.

  11. My first ever post for a writing prompt, I hope its up to the challenge!

  12. I did a little abstract poetry .... maybe just because it's Friday...

  13. Checking "write poem for Shay" off of my list . . .

  14. Aqsa, the idea of a challenge is to do what the challenge lays out. Your poem had nothing to do with lists.

  15. It's your birthday, Shay? Happy birthday to you!

  16. Yes, I'm twelve today. Or 37, or 90, or 5. ;-) Thanks, Marian.

  17. Oh :D Happy Birthday Shay! Hope you had a great one :D

  18. Fireblossom, here's the correct link:

    Thank you so much! Sorry about my mess up. :/

  19. Happy bday, sweetie! Finally got my poem posted!

  20. I'm very late this time. It took a while for the poem to come to me, and then it needed a lot of work.


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.