Welcome to the Imaginary Garden...
Greetings to friends, poets and story-tellers!
So many awards ceremonies have been hosted this year, culminating with the Academy Awards last Sunday and it got me thinking about the enduring role of storytellers in society. As poets, we are a part of the oral and written tradition, adding our voices to the age. Sometimes it may feel like our words are a mere drop in the ocean of time, but they are part of a great pattern. Let us celebrate being a part of the story.
Please share a poem of your choice. No Rules. No Prompt. No Expiration Date.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017

[clip art from google dot com]
I always claim February as my month, and become very self-centered. February 11th is my birthday, but i carry on and on in mode 'pest-y' until the month passes.
Writing in a 'hobby mode', is what i do. I stake no claim to the tag of professional, and as i channel my way through retirement tunnel, I love the friendships, this path has thrown across the ways. The flames of light bouncing shadows playfully to dance on the walls of unknown territory. The challenge of words, bending and stretching my mind keeping me young and vibrant in my sixties.
One such challenge stretched my bow to tension of form-creating. When i let my arrow fly. There it was THE FOLD: right on target. Yes toads; The Fold was created in response to an online challenge to create a form. Now years later down the road, it is documented as a writable, usable form.
Notes on poetry form
Poetic form can be defined in different ways, but it is essentially a type of poem defined by the poem's physical structure.
Additionally, it defines a specific style or set of rules that must be used for writing that form.
Your challenge today toads, is to Let your words dance with me in celebration. Forgetting all others, focus your gaze on The Fold and write using the form. You can write fiction fact or fantasy, staying true to the following guidelines:
1. 11 lines
2.The end phrase of Line one repeats at Lines 5 and 11
3.The rhyme of line 1 continues through in every other line
4. There must be a reference to nature and how it affect you the poet
5. More indepth instructions HERE
6. Fold origin HERE
mud is a tradition of the Carnival;
in the awakening jouvert, the misbehavers
start their misbehaving; to the arrival
of the sun, covered in red mud, yellow mud,
dirty mud creatures of the Carnival;
threatening clean people, who come to see
other people look dirty, at this, their revival
as the last carol and parang are sung,
the merry monarch wrests his survival
the sequins, the beads, the feathers come out,
to weave the fabric of the Carnival
MUD © gillena cox 2007
Then link your poem to Mr Linky and read the poems of others listed.

Thursday, February 23, 2017
Out of Standard: Multiple Choice
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My view from Cafe Vesuvio (where the beats wrote), across the alley the fabled City Lights Bookstore. Photo taken on 1/5/17, San Francisco. |
In the current political climate of my America shaped box, leaders are lifting lines directly from one of my favorite authors - a man whose books are read in every high school in America - George Orwell. Hearing all the Orwellian chatter brought me right back to the classroom. And so it is in that spirit which I present to you today's challenge.
The Multiple Choice poem
The challenge is simple. Write a poem in the form of a multiple choice test. The whole poem could be a test, or you could insert a multiple choice some where into the normal structure of a poem. I've provided links to two examples from my blog. Feel free to use them as a starting point.
Pencilz Down
Never Had
Keep in mind
Like every challenge, your poem must by newly written for this challenge and not one which you have previously written which conveniently fits the theme.
That's it. The platform is yours. The mic is warm.
So go now, my muddy buddies, and bring us back something shiny and new.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
The Tuesday Platform
Welcome to the Imaginary Garden!
C'mon in, the Platform is yours today! Please share a poem with us. Long or short, old or new, it’s up to you. Remember that links in the Garden do not expire, so feel free to link up on Wednesday or later in the week. And don't forget to take some time during the week to read the work of other participants.
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Proceeds from purchase of the rainbow bracelet for the onePulse Foundation, Orlando, Florida. Peace bracelet made by friend of the Garden, Charlie Clevenger. Smile! |
C'mon in, the Platform is yours today! Please share a poem with us. Long or short, old or new, it’s up to you. Remember that links in the Garden do not expire, so feel free to link up on Wednesday or later in the week. And don't forget to take some time during the week to read the work of other participants.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
And the Moon ~ Micro Poetry
Greetings to all!
Today is the day we put the "mini' back into the Sunday Mini-Challenge, and return to the option of form poetry. The object of this challenge is to write a poem in no more than 10 lines (but you may write in fewer than 10 lines all the way down to a single American sentence). Choose your own form or write in free verse, if preferred.
This weekend, our frame of reference is "And the Moon and the Stars and the World" - from the title of this poem by Charles Bukowski.
And, for good measure, another poem to feature the moon, by Rumi:
At the Twilight
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.
I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.
The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.
I look forward to reading a number of short poems, from Saturday through to Monday. The link does not expire, so please feel free to write more than one poem, and a return to comment on poems linked later would be appreciated.
Today is the day we put the "mini' back into the Sunday Mini-Challenge, and return to the option of form poetry. The object of this challenge is to write a poem in no more than 10 lines (but you may write in fewer than 10 lines all the way down to a single American sentence). Choose your own form or write in free verse, if preferred.
This weekend, our frame of reference is "And the Moon and the Stars and the World" - from the title of this poem by Charles Bukowski.
And, for good measure, another poem to feature the moon, by Rumi:
At the Twilight
At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.
I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.
The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.
I look forward to reading a number of short poems, from Saturday through to Monday. The link does not expire, so please feel free to write more than one poem, and a return to comment on poems linked later would be appreciated.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Artistic Interpretations - Immigrant Portraits
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Approaching Ellis Island |
Welcome to Artistic Interpretations. This time around, the theme is "Immigrant Portraits".
The Challenge is wide open - any style or form of poetry. I do request that all poetry be new to this challenge. I prefer you respond to these images or text, however, if you have a unique image you would like to use, I am open to that. If the poetic content involves current political issues, I ask that all comments be directed toward the poet's artistic ability/written word and not segway into a political debate or negative commentary.
Perhaps it will be fun to write a fictional narrative, or maybe do some research and write a poem based on a non-fictional story from the past. If you are blessed with a family member's history of an immigration journey (it doesn't have to be to America) passed down, please write about it.
Maybe there is a recipe that was handed down from the old country, and it evokes a memory... Maybe the portrait staring back at you elicits an emotional response... Like I said, this prompt is wide open. Have fun. Feel free to write and link more than one poem.
I apologize for the large quantity of photos - but I wanted to give the widest range of inspiration that I could.
Mr. Linky is at the bottom of this post and as always, please visit the other poets!
note: I took all of these photos with my camera - photography is allowed in the Ellis Island Museum. The portraits are huge and it is hard to get a good quality image as there is a light above most of them - I did my best with my iPhone. Most of the paragraphs below are from signs posted in the museum as well and their content is scattered throughout this post.
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Augustus F. Sherman, a U.S. Immigration Service employee on Ellis Island from 1892-1925, was also an amateur photographer. Sherman generally asked immigrants to pose for the camera dressed in their native costumes. His collection of over 135 images provides an extraordinary record of the many nationalities who came to the United States during the peak years of immigration.
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Ellis Island Hospital |
Martha Strahm, a Swiss immigrant in 1920, interviewed in 1983: "Two year-old Walter took sick and was admitted to the hospital. He was there six weeks and died on February 9, 1921. We were confined on Ellis Island those six weeks. Our days there were very long days and only one of us could go visit ou sick boy for five minutes, once a week. We had to put on a gown as we were not allowed close to him... Ou boy died ten minutes after 11:00 pm and we had to spend the night there. After all these years the picture in my mind is so clear when they took him down the hall wrapped in a sheet."
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Slovak Mother & Children
Augustus F. Sherman collection
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Young Russian Jew, 2905 Lewis W. Hine collection |
Records dating from 1900 show that over 3,500 people, including more than 1,400 children, died on Ellis Island. Burials were arranged by either friends or relatives, charity associations, or, as a last resort, by an undertaker contracted by the Immigration Service. Though death was a far more frequent occurrence, births too were part of the hospital routine. Over 355 babies were born on Ellis Island.
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Algerian Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Italian Immigrants, 1905 Lewis W. Hines collection |
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Greek Soldier Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Jewish Immigrant (possibly from Syria or Armenia), 1926 Lewis W. Hines collection |
Women and children received special care as well. They were served snacks of warm milk and crackers every afternoon and evening.
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Gypsy family from Serbia Augustus F. Sherman collection |
Immigrant aid societies tried to protect new arrivals from these predators, who prowled the Battery looking for recruits. Social workers escorted their charges from Ellis Island directly to the safety of a society's office, where the newcomers could apply for jobs that paid decent wages.
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Mexican Woman, 1915 Institute of TX Cultures |
Isabella Mendoza, a Mexican immigrant in 1915, quoted in Morrison and Zabusky, "American Mosaic", E.P. Dalton, 1980: "We went to the border and came across. We didn't have no paper, no nothing.. but in those days it wasn't so hard. My aunt knew someone who knew a guard at the bridge, and she went up and started to talk to the guard, an she gave him eight dollars. And while they were talking, my mother took me on her shoulders and waded through the river on the other side. It wasn't so deep then; the water just came up to her shoulders. And when we got up on the other side, my aunt stopped talking to the guard and he let her go across because she'd paid him the eight dollars."
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Chinese Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Finish Stowaway, 1926 Lewis W. Hine collection |
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Danish Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Albanian Woman, 1905 Lewis W. Hine collection |
Regarding the above photo, the photographer noted: This woman is wearing her native costume. At times the island looked like a costume hall with the multicolored, many-styled national costumes.
F. L. Dingley, "European Emigration, Gov. Printing Office, 1890: "The United States is El Dorado as never before... Men walk 100 miles by devious and obscure routes and byways... to find some road that leads to the United States. All roads no longer lead to Rome, but all highways and seaways lead to America."
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English Family, arrived on S.S. Adriatic, 1908 Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Georgian Immigrants Augustus F. Sherman collection |
Ellis Island had a dual reputation among immigrant groups. Th anxiety over inspection and detention often caused emotional scenes - a chaotic mixture of fright and despair giving way to joy and relief. For the 98% who were permitted to land in the United States, Ellis Island was an Isle of Hope. Many families were reunited here after having been separated for years. The place in the main building where immigrants first saw their American relatives and friends well deserved its epithet, "The Kissing Post of America."
For the 2% of the arrivals who were excluded and sent back to their points of embarkation, Ellis Island was a bitter Isle of Tears. Though 2% may sound insignificant, sometimes it translated into over 1,000 exclusions a month. The "excluded" were immigrants being sent back to their ports of embarkation without ever having entered the United States. Most of these excluded appeared unable to work or support themselves. They were called "L.P.C.'s" short for "liable to become public charges." Many others were denied entry because they were suffering from a contagious disease (or psychiatrically unsound) or were suspected of being contract laborers.
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Lapp Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Women from Guadeloupe, French West Indies arrived on the S. S. Korona, 1911 Augustus F. Sherman collection |
Hundreds of people from many diverse cultures were served three meals a day in the large, tiled dining room. According to most contemporary observers, the meals were plain but wholesome. Though boiled beef, stewed prunes, and baked beans were the restaurant's staples, many immigrants also remember eating American favorites such as ice cream, bananas, an white bread.
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Romanian Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Swedish Immigrant Augustus F. Sherman collection |
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Leaving the Homeland ... |
By the late 19th century, a transportation revolution made travel easier and faster. Immigrants could take trains from village to seaport and then board a steamship to cross the ocean. Many of them made th trip several times, working in America, saving their money, and then going home again. It is estimated that as many as 1/3 of the immigrants traveled back and forth, some finally staying in the old country, others settling in the United States.
Bertha Devlin, an Irish immigrant in 1923, interviewed in 1985: "Well we didn't have anything to do in Ireland, there was no work. And, you didn't want to be poor all your life. You could have married an old farmer if you wanted to and stay there for the rest of your life, and work on that old farm. I could have done that. But I wasn't about to do that. He had a mother and a father and I'd have to go in and live with them and do as they told me to do... So I said, "Goodbye, I'll see you later."
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
The Tuesday Platform
Welcome to the Imaginary Garden...
Happy Valentine's Day to all friends, poets, travellers! What a great day to share poetry in the toads' patch of the blogosphere.
I was just a word weaver
What did I know of love?
Only that
Some days when the words weren’t enough,
I knew
I was in love.
― Saiber, Stardust and Sheets
Please link up a poem of your choice today - and bring the love.
Happy Valentine's Day to all friends, poets, travellers! What a great day to share poetry in the toads' patch of the blogosphere.
A Writer in Love.
I was just a word weaverWhat did I know of love?
Only that
Some days when the words weren’t enough,
I knew
I was in love.
― Saiber, Stardust and Sheets
Please link up a poem of your choice today - and bring the love.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Recycle a Saying (Poetry and Flash Fiction with Magaly)
Write a three-stanza
poem, or a very short story (313 words or fewer).
I just spent a lot of time conversing with a friend who
speaks, thinks (and seems to look at other people) in altered axioms. If you
don’t know him, you might think that he’s just a bit silly, even confused. But
if you listen to what he is saying, then you might see what I’ve seen: my
friend is hilarious (and completely addicted to proverb deconstruction).
With that in mind, for today’s prompt, I invite you to take a famous proverb, change some of its
keywords, then use the altered version to write a new three-stanza poem or a
short story (of 313 words or fewer). Please share the original proverb
somewhere in your post.
Here are some short proverbs you could use (view the complete
list HERE):
- “Necessity is the mother of invention.”
- “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
- “Never look a gift horse in the mouth.”
- “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
- “Two heads are better than one.”
free to use my image and alteration of “Hope for the best, but prepare for the
When you are done writing, feed the direct link to your entry to Mr.
Linky. Visit other Toads.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Toads! Today in the Garden we are taking back WALLS.
Thank you, Mister Tom Petty. Toads, please watch, listen, write, and share a poem on the subject of WALLS. And enjoy!
Some days are diamonds
Some days are rocks
Some doors are open
Some roads are blocked
Sundowns are golden
Sundowns are golden
Then fade away
But if I never do nothing
I'm coming back some day
'Cause you got a heart so big
'Cause you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
All around your island
All around your island
There's a barricade
It keeps out the danger
Holds in the pain
Sometimes you're happy
Sometimes you're happy
And sometimes you cry
Half of me is ocean
Half of me is sky
But you got a heart so big
But you got a heart so big
It could crush this town
And I can't hold out forever
Even walls fall down
Thank you, Mister Tom Petty. Toads, please watch, listen, write, and share a poem on the subject of WALLS. And enjoy!
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