
Saturday, June 3, 2017

Flash 55 PLUS!

Greetings to all poets and friends. It is time for the Flash 55 Challenge! The rules of this prompt have not changed: Write a piece of poetry or prose on a subject of your choice in precisely 55 WORDS.



 For the OPTIONAL EXTRA part of this challenge, I invite you to consider the theme of the GHOST TOWN. Follow THIS LINK to view and read about some of the 'world's eeriest ghost towns'.

Feel free to post more than one 55-word piece to this prompt, which will remain first on the Home Page until Tuesday morning. Please return to enjoy the poetry of fellow poets.


  1. Good to see you "up and about", Kerry. Good weekend to all. ~

  2. Thanks, Michael. My reentry is slow, I'm afraid. Still not quite myself but getting there.

  3. went for the optional extra...based on my run this morning and the man on the quietest bicycle ever who pedaled up beside me;)

  4. Loved the prompt, Kerry❤️ It's good to have you back!❤️

  5. Ghost towns... The most scary ones are those where everybody left in haste...

  6. Dude, I LOVE Adam Lambert! That is a mighty sexy song you picked, Kerry.

  7. Nice to see everyone. Write on...

  8. Hello, everybody. I've been a bit absent lately, happily busy with a succession of visitors. Wasn't up-to-date with your news Kerry; glad you are now recovering.

    I'm glad to be here again. Flash 55 is one of my favourites, and the Ghost Town theme fed straight into stuff that's been going on for me. :)

  9. Sanaa, I tried twice to comment on your poem but I received an error message.
    I love the poem, and hope to be able to leave my thoughts on your blog.

  10. Great to see you hosting, commenting and posting here at this post-office to the stars. Sanaa, I tried to comment to on your fine poem but couldn't get through a firewall telling me to set cookies and flash. Anyone else hate all the security barriers which make intimate conversations so laborious? Ghost towns have no such barbed wire!

  11. What a fun challenge to wake up to! Thank you.

  12. Oops!! It must be the new plugin..i ll go uninstall it! Sorry guys. Please try to comment again..

  13. Nice prompt, lots of ways to go. Finally I posted. Good night, all.
    BTW, my younger daughter and KP (youngest granddaughter) are in London, arrived yesterday and are staying with friends. This would be in Central London, near Regents' Park. I will try to use a few of their pictures in future posts. Some of mine from Regents' Park have been posted before, both blogs.

  14. Just got it together, I think, written in not really my usual style

    much love...

  15. Late in posting... (after a long weekend of moving my daughter to another city and apartment... ) but I didn't want to let you down, Shay!

  16. Will read and comment tomorrow morning - my exhausted head is about to hit the pillow :)


Much time and effort went into this post! Your feedback is appreciated.