The prompt, should you choose to accept it, is to write something inspired by a breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea, coffee, snack eaten out, at the local diner, cafe, restaurant, fast food joint, even, if you wish, camp site.
I mean this prompt to be as broad as a glass door held open by a very polite person--(you will note that in my own politeness, I make no reference to tall stacks, wideness, and hips.) You should feel free to write from the perspective of diner, server, cook, table, plate, pancake. If you want to write with a forked tongue, in other words, go ahead! If you want to just go sit in a cafe and write whatever comes to mind, that's okay too. (Just, maybe, smear some ketchup on your screen.)

I mainly want you to have fun (or be deadly serious) with this prompt, but I also chose it because I had some old photos and pics that seemed to go with it. These are intended primarily to be thought-provoking, with no mandate to use, but please do feel free to use one if you wish (with proper attribution.) (The top one is a pencil sketch I drew on a restaurant paper tablecloth--yes, the service was a bit slow, and yes, I left it there.)
In the spirit of adventuring together, please try to write something new. Also, please drop by for a drink, bite, read, at the spots of your fellow bloggers!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Finally, finally, I want to write a very brief word about my personal icon, Terry Pratchett, who died this week. I almost changed this prompt to be about him, but that seemed unfair since I know many of you were probably not lucky enough to have lived with his books in print and on tape for years and years, nearly 24/7--also, I honestly felt too sad about his death to think of a timely prompt. I did want to mention a couple of quotes of his. They are not necessarily my favorites, as not particularly funny--yet good ones to remember I think----"evil begins when you begin to treat people as things," and "so much universe, so little time," Thanks.
Hey Toads-- I am going to be out of pocket all day so will not be able to check back in. Look forward to seeing your poems! K.
What an interesting theme! Have written more than 1 poem inspired by sights & sounds in a day. Could you clarify for me whether or not it is permissible to copy & paste one of these photos into a blog post. Does each photo have a title? a link? Thanks. :)
Patricia, Karin says above that the pictures can be used(copy/pasted) with attribution. I don't see any titles, though.
These are wonderful images, k, and an excellent challenge--off to see what I can come up with.
I'll definitely give this a try!
Hi all--just out of the opera but still with family! Feel free to use any image--there are no titles-- i am happy to say where taken if anyone wants to know but won't be able to write till later. K.
Thanks all! I am up too now. I am staying someplace where the router is sometimes blocking me from getting on WP sites--agh! Gnashes teeth. I can use phone or sometimes the router block will go down--I don't know how to fix it! But at any rate, I'll get there to the WP people but maybe a little late. k.
Here's a Terry Pratchett quote somebody left in comments a Crooked Timber:
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
Thanks to Hedgewitch for the information! :)
Hi there.. I join with a little writing on eating buffet..somehow the greed shows itself the most when we have the most.
This is such an interesting prompt idea. Sadly, my thoughts are unfocused this weekend as I attended the funeral of a colleague and friend.
So sorry, Kerry, for your loss. k.
Thanks, Jazz, for the quote. k.
I would never missed the opportunity to go on a coffee date! Also, I needed a bit of fun in my day... I, too, missed our Pratchett so very much.
May this Sunday be full of wonder...
Oh, after reading these I have two! Thanks for this prompt!
And now I've gone back and added the link back to here. I guess it's been too long since I've done this!
Wonderful Pictures!!
First-time contribution. Not that I'm a stranger to the regular contributors. Smiles.
Excellent prompt Karin. Thanks!
Anna :o]
Have been chained to my desk all day working on interviews, so have just come upon this fun prompt........I might try to write something, so will not read any of yours until I have.......likely be back some time tomorrow as am running out of steam at the moment. How many hours can a poet sit at her desk in a day? apparently, never enough, LOL.
Thanks, Sherry, ZQ, Anna--all. Please let me know if I have not visited anyway, as I had some computer issues over the weekend, resolved now. k.
Super-late but I managed to write something. Thank you, Karin.
Sorry to be so late! Awesome challenge Karin!
even later! thanks for the inspiration, Karin ~
I am back from a week long vacation celebrating 25 years of marriage. I still have visiting to do from my earlier prompt and I will get on that ASAP.
This was a perfect prompt as we ate at THE OLDEST house in America - the Herb House, Savannah, GA. I will be back to visit and comment tonight - I'm out the door on this fine 75 degree day to visit my horse.
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