Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Words Count with Mama Zen ekphrasis challenge! Step right up and let the following vintage photos take you back to the circuses of days gone by. Be delighted! Be amazed! Be inspired . . . and write a poem of 60 words or less.

Circus Girl Smokes While Rehearsing Her Stunts; Nina Leen, 1949

Fortune Teller, 1870s

John Gutmann, 1935

Unknown; via pinterest
This is awesome. I may have to write more than one.
MZ--I agree with Shay. The photos were great. I jumped on the first one, but each one was rich with possibilities.
And cleanliness isn't next to godliness. Brevity is.
Thanks for the inspiration MZ--who could not write to one of these?
With apologies to Tod Browning.
Hi kids, an intriguing prompt this rainy day. Sioux, when I click on your link, it takes me to your blog with a "this page is not available" sign.I'll check back later.
Fun to write. Nice pictures too. And I needed RTFD as my first was targeted for the usual 55.
Love, love, love this MZ. In another life, I'd be a trapeze artist.
super cool pics, MZ. k.
What stories these images provoke!
Great Images!!
I wonder what my fortunes tell... I will be back later to read you all.. :-)
The correct link to Sioux's poem is
I went to a little bit of a bitter place for this one! Thanks for a thought provoking prompt, Mama Zen!
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