Here, for your enjoyment and inspiration, are a few images that entered the public domain this year.

Emily Carr, "Big Raven" (1931)

Käthe Kollwitz, "Frau mit totem Kind" (1903)

Albert Richards, "France - the Beach Head, 1944" (1944)

Milena Pavlović Barili
Now, write a poem inspired by one of these images . . . 60 words or less.
I agree - a little beauty would go a long way.
I feel like lead inside, which is only partly caused by a persistent flu... need to think of beauty here.... certainly some of the pictures only served to make me more sad...
I was journaling on this very subject earlier this morn, trying to find beauty in a unique moment of time - I envisioned time lapse photography, an art in slow motion. There is a sadness in it too, because it is fleeting -- but yes, we need the beauty for hope, for continued movement, for light. Perhaps I can turn my thoughts into a poem later -- thanks for the prompt.
I think there is hope... but maybe the hope is embedded too deep in my poem... if does not fulfill the prompt just take it away.
That raven picture looks edible. Like green mousse. I kind of want to finger-lick it. :)
Or maybe it's Bjorn's snotty flu-goo.
Ew. ;)
What a great prompt. I chose the painting by Milena Pavlović Barili. She was a Serbian painter and poet. How fitting. I am so behind on reading poetry, but I will catch up!
The images are a little sad too, or is it just me? I agree with you Mama Zen we need some beauty! I like writing about images I'll be linking up after I choose one to write about.
Hope you feel better Bjorn! I hope everyone feels better. We must have hope.
I'm glad I have my bike riding because it gives me the beauty and peace I need to get on with my day and life.
Love, Bekkie
I came in at a little over 60 words for my sevenling - oops.
Bjorn, I've been battling persistent sinusitis for a month - very debilitating. I hope you feel better sooner rather than later.
I'm late for my own prompt! I'm battling plumbers and electricians. I think the flu would be cheaper.
I hope I offered up some beauty. I'll be around to read I'm catching up too.
Hugs! Bekkie
I found the images rather dark too, this reflected in my offering. Nevertheless there is much beauty in this world of ours.
Kind regards
Anna :o]
Good prompt, MZ. What can I say, for me I could only choose the fourth picture? The rest were dark in mood to me also. I wrote with my iPad and had trouble with it. I'll do better in the morning with a computer. I might change it out for a 'painting elephant' until then.
I was totally blocked yesterday, but this was here this morning, so I offer it, as I think it meets the spirit if not the latter of the prompt, as it does exceed the word count quite a bit. So if you feel it is not appropriate, please go ahead and delete it. Will probably not be able to visit till the weekend.
macro sadness, shuts me down, where it not for prompts such as this one, i really cannot write
Thanks fot this prompt Mama Zen
much love...
Thank you, MZ. Mine did go over, but at least is not super long. Hope okay. Thanks. k.
MZ - I didn't really aim for beautiful, but mainly image inspiration. So have failed on two counts--but wrote what came to mind. k.
My heart is heavy with news too, Mama Z...thank you for these images and the opportunity to write. ♥
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