Artist: Rachel Pentergrass |
Welcome to round two of "Dolls". I,
Margaret, want to thank my daughter and her fellow classmates for allowing us to use these artistic creations. The first series was showcased last month
HERE and I'm hoping for poetic inspiration to strike again.
Please help yourself to more than one image and know that you are invited to use these dolls as inspiration for the whole week. Please remember to link back here, though.
When this second series of doll poems are done I am going to forward all the poems to my daughter to share with the students themselves.
Artist: Lily Higgins |
Artist: Austin Cassie |
Artist: Isabelle Rolles |
Artist: Becca Nenow |
Artist: Elizabet Puksto |
Artist: Zoe Swindell |
Please acknowledge the name of the artist if you upload an image to your blog. The Sunday Challenge is posted on Saturday at noon CST to allow extra time for the form challenge. Please provide a link on your blog back to Real Toads. We stipulate that only poems written for this challenge may be added to the Mr Linky. Management reserves the right to remove unrelated links, but invites you to share a poem of your choice on Open Link Monday.
Again, please feel free to write to more than one image. I have two so far and plan on doing more. Enjoy this weekend, Toads!
Thank you, Margaret. I know many of us have been looking forward to round 2 of the doll challenge. Once again, I'm blown away by the ingenuity of the art students' vision.
More dolls! Yay!
This writing made me happy, though I wish I had seen her partner join her. I know she would make room and brighten up with pleasure! Thank you again for these wonders of creation. I would love to meet the students hosting a gallery of their creations. These blow my mind, all of them.
how fantastic, I'm so.pleased we're writing about these dolls again, thanks Margaret
Thanks Margaret :D
How talented are these students!
so fun...
Overwhelmed at the creativity!
I wish I had time to write a piece for every one!
Thanks for allowing me to share!
Have a creative day!
Collage Pirate
Hi Toads!
My link didn't work, will you please remove my name? Thanks so much.
Late, and didn't think I could write anything, but these dolls have a way of pulling words out of the ether. Thanks Margaret, and to all the students who shared, for allowing us to write to these amazing pieces of art.
Those are some pretty cool dolls!
I wrote another... one I really wish I hadn't needed to write...
Again, I'm amazed by the creativity and inspiration in these dolls. Awesome!
So happy you shared more of the girls amazing talent.
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