November 1st, The Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico, in particular the Central and South regions, and by people of Mexican heritage elsewhere. The multi-day holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey.
“To die laughing must be the most glorious of all glorious deaths!” —“The Assignation” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
Today I want to celebrate Dia de los Muertos in the garden. Dear Toads I want you to draw inspiration from your favorite dead poet (s) and write a poem to honor him/her. It can be about the poet, their poetic style, a line from a poem, one of their quotes, etc., go where the suggestion leads you. I only ask you write a new poem and name the poet who inspired it.
As always please add your poem to Mr Linky and visit your fellow poets to read their poetic offerings.
I missed out on Halloween this year, Susie, so thank you for this prompt which more than makes up for it! I've kept it simple this morning.
thank you Susie - your prompt was so timely, so apt and so I did not need to look far for this one
Thank you for your prompt this All Saints Day.
A poem which I never would have had the courage to pen down had it not been for your lovely prompt!💞 Thank you so much Susie!💞
I have not felt like writing at all for the better part of two weeks, but the idea of Dios de los Muertos got me started again.
(my Spanish may be rusty!)
Such a brilliant prompt, Susie. I will try to put together 55 words by tomorrow.
I know the poem to inspire me on this... but I need to write it first and that has to wait until tomorrow...
My thanks to all of you for your poetry and supportive words for the prompt. So much as taken me away from the garden this year. I have truly missed all of you.
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