Limit your poem to NOT MORE THAN one hundred words.
Be further inspired by:
Here are some images from MSN homes that are anything but ordinary

AND Poems
The House that Jack Built By Jacob Polley
the first trees were felled
and sailed in, wrecked, then slept
an age in the northern sun, blackening
to iron were found by horsemen
leading their horses and raised as
cloud’s axles, rafters of night, a god’s gates
were passed through, seen
from miles off, rolled the sun
and moon along their lintels, rooted,
read the whole poem HERE
to a farmhouse, hanging
a hall from their outstretch, bracing floor
after floor on their inosculating
joists, which sang
to a barefoot tread and were called
home of shadows heart of the wind
... ... ...
White Houses by Claude McKay
Your door is shut against my tightened face,
And I am sharp as steel with discontent;
But I possess the courage and the grace
To bear my anger proudly and unbent.
The pavement slabs burn loose beneath my feet,
A chafing savage, down the decent street;
And passion rends my vitals as I pass,
Where boldly shines your shuttered door of glass.
Oh, I must search for wisdom every hour,
Deep in my wrathful bosom sore and raw,
And find in it the superhuman power
To hold me to the letter of your law!
Oh, I must keep my heart inviolate
Against the potent poison of your hate.
... ... ...
Dreamhouse by Mary Oliver from Pinterest

... ... ...
For an extra bonus, Please highlight your door for soon it be Halloween and surely someone will come-a knocking or not!!!
I must apologize to those of you who would have been looking for today's post earlier and did not find it. I keep scheduling post in time, but using the wrong 12:00 hour.
Anyway i checked and corrected the time. So here it is.
much love...
Many thanks, Gillena. Such an amazing assortment of poems - all so inspiring.
I loved the poem titled Dreamhouse which you have shared, Gillena. It felt like it said what I would like to say. Thanks for the inspiring theme
Thanks for your appreciation Kerry
Glad you like this prompt Namy
Very interesting topic - Our town celebrates Halloween all day and evening on Saturday and we are moving our horse to a new barn tomorrow - 15 minutes away form our home :) (currently driving one hour each way - total of two hours driving time ...) So, I will be playing late.
Thanks for dropping in Margaret. Happy Halloween.
much love...
I went with more with the thought about what a house should be than anything specific.
I love your music clip Gillena....put a spring in my ste and perked up my day...Thank you:)
I read and enjoyed your poem Bjön. Your roof was amazing
Happy you dropped in Cressida
Thanks for such a beautiful prompt. I reflected on my childhood with mine.
I managed to stay under the word limit this time.
Thanks for taking part Susie. I read your poem. The sturdy oak image and the breaking free were very well highlighted
Your poem and title were a delight. Thanks for taking part Jazz
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