I love markets - that is, I love food markets. (I kind of hate shopping for anything else.)
One reason I thought of today’s prompt is because I recently took a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico and was lucky enough to take pictures of some markets around Oaxaca, which I thought would be fun to post.
Here's the poetic aspect of the prompt:
So much of life is an exchange. Every choice is a bartering of one alternative with another. Even a conversation is an exchange; even a breath. Sometimes in these exchanges one tries to sell something concrete, sometimes one tries to sell an idea, sometimes, one's self or one's image of one's self.
So much of life is an exchange. Every choice is a bartering of one alternative with another. Even a conversation is an exchange; even a breath. Sometimes in these exchanges one tries to sell something concrete, sometimes one tries to sell an idea, sometimes, one's self or one's image of one's self.
Sometimes people become a little bit like the things they sell (in the way that people sometimes begin to look like their dogs.) Or they become a little like the things they buy.
Then there’s the whole idea of marketing--how people might strive for attention for themselves or their product. (Or not.)
So, how does this translate into today's poem?
Consider some kind of bargain, exchange, purchase, promise. It can be an exchange or promise made by or to you, or by or to some one or something else. (It does not have to have anything to do with a true sale, direct promise, and it certainly doesn't have to do with a food market.)
Alternatively, think of some way in which a person, thing, relationship, country, world has been molded by a barter or exchange.
Or think of exchanging places with someone or something. You could also use a formalistic poetic exchange--by, for example, writing a poem using homonym or rhyme (each which is rather like the exchange of one word for another that sounds the same).
Or if you like simply think of some market place.
But please keep in mind that the poem does not have to deal with any market at all! Here's a pic that's not from Mexico, but of my beautiful granddaughter. Still, it seemed to fit the topic of exchange so well, I could not resist including it.
So, here we go, Toads! And as part of the wonderful exchange of ideas that goes on here--read the posts of your community poets!
Two final points. All rights are reserved in the pics here. I offer for inspiration but not for use (as I don't feel I have a full panoply of permissions from the persons photographed.)
And then, in the interest of my own self-marketing, I am made bold to mention that I’ve just come out with a new book, a children’s novel (that is also great for adults), called Dogspell - or Sally & Seemore & the Meaning of Mushki. Please check it out, especially if you have ever been under the spell of a beloved dog!
And then, in the interest of my own self-marketing, I am made bold to mention that I’ve just come out with a new book, a children’s novel (that is also great for adults), called Dogspell - or Sally & Seemore & the Meaning of Mushki. Please check it out, especially if you have ever been under the spell of a beloved dog!

Hi Toads--sorry my prompt was so long and overboard on pics! If someone really wants to use a pic, let me know. Originally, my intent was to say go ahead, and then I felt a little weird--but am probably being overly sensitive about rights, etc. Sorry to get this up so late and have a great day! k.
PS _ and thanks very much to Kerry for letting me use the platform to plug my new book! It is so kind of you, Kerry--I think it is a sweet book--yes, for children. (I'm afraid I qualify!) Thanks. k.
Karin, this was like going to the market with you. I hope you got to take some wonderful things home.
Love the photo of your granddaughter. I bet she will like to see this picture after she's taller than the doll. :-)
Best of luck with your new release! ♥
Thank you, Magaly. The little old lady carding wool was part of a rug-making community and we did get a couple of small rugs to give to people or use. Of course, I wished I had bought more as they are so beautiful and the people do everything from the spinning to dying to weaving so you do want to support them. My husband at goat at the one market but I stuck to my vegetarian ways! k.
What an adventure!
Congratulations on your latest publication, karin and thanks for sharing the amazing pics of your adventures.
Ha. Not sure the adventures were so amazing, but it is fun to take pictures! k.
Oh I do love food-markets too.. That's always a place to get a feeling for the place, congrats on your publication Karin.. I need to think a little about this prompt.
Oh your little granddaughter is the highlight. Give her a hug from me. I luv markets so I think I'll just with the prompt plain and simple
Much love...
I went with a broad sense of the word exchange for my poem...thank you for the inspiration, K!
Congrats, Karin, on the new book. Yay! And for the interesting prompt.
Congratulations, Karin. What age (or reading level) children did you write for? I'll check it out.
I miss my Adi beagle dog. We were a certified animal/pet therapy team. She died in 2013 but lives on in my other blog.
I'll work on the market post soon.
Love ALL your pictures, K. When we travel you could find us at the market if there is one.
July 17, 2016 at 1:21 AM Delete
thank you, Jim.
LTTP as usual, but i did want to bring something to our personal toadly Goblin Market--a wonderful prompt, K, and wonderful pictures.
Love this prompt, Karin! And congratulations on your new book!! I will be buying it for my daughter. :)
I'm so much running in every direction, am not sure when or whether I can write to this, but just saying I am here and thinking about it, at least.
xo to all
Some wonderful photos in this prompt, and I love how your prompt can be taken in so many different directions.
I don't usually get the chance on the weekends but stole some time for this -- thank you for the prompt! Wonderful pics, especially that sweet granddaughter. :-) I'll have to come back tomorrow to read & comment on others.
A little late in playing - but I was out enjoying the weekend weather!
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