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Hi Toads, FASHION ME YOUR WORDS ~ a query in the style of Emily’s ‘Answer July’
Answer July—
Where is the Bee—
Where is the Blush—
Where is the Hay?
Ah, said July—
Where is the Seed—
Where is the Bud—
Where is the May—
Answer Thee—Me—
Nay—said the May—
Show me the Snow—
Show me the Bells—
Show me the Jay!
Quibbled the Jay—
Where be the Maize—
Where be the Haze—
Where be the Bur?
Here—said the Year—
-Emily Dickinson
Fashion me a poem, using not more than 100 words, in the style of Emily’s ‘Answer July’, have fun
AND while you are at it enjoy my video of choice
Remember!!! this is a fun project
Hi Gillena. Thanks for hosting tonight. I look forward to reading the responses to your prompt.
Happy weekend to everyone.
Interesting... some very clever wordplay going on here... tried with something similar with wordplay and fun.
Hi Gillena! That was a tough one! I was torn between staying true to Emily Dickinson and experimenting - in the end, Emily won!
Thanks Toads for your willingness to accept this challenge. I was out of the house yesterday, birthday party-ing at my grand daughter's maternal grand mothers house. So i will take some time out today to read your responses
much love...
Learning new styles of poetry with you. I hope I have done enough justice ;)
Posting my attempt at this one too :)
What a great challenge Gillena. Not sure I captured it, but I tried. :)
Thank you Gillena, this was a "much fun" prompt for me. I was going to go through a series of pets in my life, or in my last life, dunno. But I miss my Adi beagle dog sooo much that I felt I had to say with her. Way out from Emily Dickinson's ‘Answer July’ mechanics.
Vijita, Susie, Jim, I have read your responses, thanks for participating
much love...
Hey everyone,
This was such a fun prompt!!❤️ Sharing my poem "Swinging by November" thank you Gillena for the wonderful opportunity; this one's for you ❤️
Lots of love,
Read it, luv-ed it, Thanks for playing Sanaa
much love...
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