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Archie Bunker - All In the Family |
Happy Holiday all of my lovely Toads!!!! Herotomost here with another Friday challenge. I heard those eyes rolling....STOP it!!!!! That is very unholiday like! OK...so this is a shorter than normal challenge as I realize that everyone is super busy, but I hope it is interesting nonetheless. If not, I apologize up front, I am but a humble challenger and you know my imagination is spotty at best.
Because the holidays are a time for family and friends, this challenge is going to involve our family and friends. Writing can be a lonely thing, sometimes our family and friends don't quite understand what it is that we are trying to accomplish. Some do, but their enthusiasm for our love of the craft can be a bit underwhelming. Soooo....we toil in front of our computers, glass of wine or hand full of chocolate chip cookies in tow and try our hardest to be the best little writers we can. We may show them something we wrote...they may give us an "isn't that lovely", but in the end we end up really just trying to write for each other it seems.
For my challenge I want you to seek out a family member or friend, kids, husband, coworker, someone who doesn't write and ask them to give you an opening line. It can be just a line, a stanza, a word, or maybe just an idea. I want you to use that fresh family info to write a little something and then when you are finished, share it with that person. When you post, I would like you to tell me what their reaction was to what you wrote.
With all that, I would like to throw out my fondest Holiday wishes to everyone of you and let you know I have had a great year with each and everyone of you. You complete me!!!!!!! Love you all and can't wait to see what you come up with. As always, if this challenge is not your bailiwick or if it infuriates to the point of wanting my head on a spike, skip it or just write me whatever you want to....I will bear no grudge.
sure I'll be a member of your family. Submitted.
How do I begin to tell the story of the folks who shun my blog ???? Oh woe is me ..............
Cookies and wine, me and my Mac. Ha. I'v been there. Will see what line I get handed. Very creative!
Mom read both poems aloud to him and she laughed, reported my father. Then she told me she laughed at both, thinking the first poem was sweet and that the second was deeper and both were fun. She liked the interaction with me more than anything and wants to do it again.
Thanks Corey. Happy holidays!
Hmmmm...I shall have to see what first lines are thrown my way. Hopefully ones that don't come with an R rating...lol
Clever Corey off to dial a life line! ;D
Right now there's no one else here but the dog, and although she is a great communicator, she usually says "Where's my daddy?" or "Feed me, feed me!" or "Let me out!" or "Let me in, it's cold out here!"
However, I'm expecting at least four people this afternoon or this evening, five if I count the UPS driver, so I'll see who says what.
Should be fun, Corey!
love it, Corey. my son gave me the line for my poem, and the resulting poem made for an interesting conversation. thank you! xo
My family keeps me going while my blog is poetry therapy. I write amateur poetry to keep happy and deal with work and caregiver stresses and basically life stresses which melt away as prose and verse stream out. I have been away for awhile. Am only commenting to say I am back here in the community. Will visit others during the week to read lovely poetry and to comment. :)
Hi!! I love this idea, Corey!I've only completed half the challenge and my prompter was vague with a one word nudge but here she is anyway! Thank you!
Really, Corey - you are so creative and I think I have been swamped with life for your last few challenges! Sorry - I DID ask my family for quote lines … and they 'froze" up. Roses are red… was just too cheesy for me to go with. :)
Sorry I took so long to post mine! Work has been frantic. Loved this idea!
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