And take a deep breath. (If you have been doing a poem a day in April, take several! )
I split my time between City and mountains and am very conscious of the movement of the seasons, in part because I get to see them twice--spring in city parks and then (some weeks later) in the country. Seeing rewinds of spring (and autumn too) makes me acutely aware of the recharging of the landscape in those times. (Last weekend--rainy-- the landscape upstate changed from brown to emerald in the course of a few hours.)

The prompt is to write about those moments of re-charging, rebooting, re-winding, re-birthing. It is meant to be as general as possible --meaning, please don’t write about spring or fall (unless you actually want to.)
There are plenty of other moments when rebooting or rebirthing may happen (a deep breath, a swallowed word, a spoken word, maybe even just a bathroom break! )
These may be very long moments, involving several years of swallowed or spoken words (and innumerable bathroom breaks) or a second's epiphany.
There are plenty of other moments when rebooting or rebirthing may happen (a deep breath, a swallowed word, a spoken word, maybe even just a bathroom break! )
These may be very long moments, involving several years of swallowed or spoken words (and innumerable bathroom breaks) or a second's epiphany.
In writing your poem, please try to be with the moment or experience that you write of, and not to write of generalities. (Note, this prompt is not to write about bathroom breaks unless those are especially meaningful to you! But any moment of breaking and remaking.)
For fun--but not as a particular part of the prompt, I set forth here three drawings on paper (ink and watercolor). All of these were done on top of old pen and ink drawings, in part as a way of recycling paper. If you do use one, please reference that they are the work of Karin Gustafson.)
Have a good day, and many congratulations to those of you who have been doing the poem a day in April--you are almost done!
Good morning! It's half past six and I am trying to thwart our intermittent Internet problems. Yesterday afternoon and most of last night it kept dropping out. The only good thing about it was a period in which to reboot and rewind!
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and I think I got both prompts I was working with right.
Creatures of Colorado
Good afternoon Toads!💞 I am very excited to read everyone's responses to this prompt, will be home shortly. Thank you for hosting us, Karin 😊☕
Ha ha, it's half past six here too, Kim – in the evening.
Karin, this was the perfect prompt for me today!
And we're half past three in the morning. Not my usual waking time. Think I'll lay back down, not charged enough for all day yet. G'night. Thank you Karin.
How lovely, Karin. Thank you!
8:30 in the morning. Already hot. Good morning Toads
This fitted very well with my word of the day: Grief.
I am trying very hard to get it right...I'm sorry I posted twice, and the second time wasn't right either.
Good Morning everyone. Thanks for a thoughtful prompt Karin!
Good morning...Today's poem deals with rehab... Thanks Karin for the prompt.
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