Since it is getting close to the Christmas holidays for many people I will make this a simple prompt:
Write about a memory you have of something special about this or any holiday season. (depending on where you live and what you celebrate!)

You can describe this memory from your own point of view or, if you want more of a challenge, write from the point of view of someone else or even something else. Or be creative and take several points of view. After writing or thinking about your own memory, think what it might have looked like from the point of view of your parents or your jealous sister or your dog or a visitor.
Whatever you decide to write about please post it on your blog and link it below with Mr. Linky.
I also want to wish all you Toads and visitors out there who celebrate a happy holiday season. And may the new year bring a flood of writing for you!
Peggy Goetz
in Southern California
Peggy, you pasted your linky code into compose view, so it didn't work but I have fixed it for you.
Many thanks for this festive prompt.
I've never been in such a packed tram :)
Happy Holidays Toads ... see all of you in 2014!!!!
Well, I could write about the Christmas morning I tripped and fell and catapulted into the side of my sister's motorhome, causing a compression fracture in one of my vertebra.
The teenagers got it on videotape and, after it was established I'd be okay, got quite a lot of fun out of it.
But I'm going to try to write from the point of view of my parents' Mexican mongrel/poodle cross who could always find her own gifts, wrapped or not. If that doesn't work, well, it's back to Canada's Funniest Auntie Kay Video, I guess.
Oh my Kay--now that is indeed a different kind of Christmas memory. I look forward to what you will write.
Yay, Christmas! Yay, all holidays!
Did you say Christmas? I wrote a Winter Solstice memory, but trust it will do. I'll try to have something more Christmas-y Friday or Saturday or Monday. Enjoy Solstice. I'll be back to read tomorrow.
I will have to see what I can come up with. Thanks for the prompt!! Hope everyone is enjoying peace in this season where hectic reigns.
sometimes the words just come at you, sideways. even while considering sleigh rides and whatnot.
Thanks for the great prompt....festive air only reminds me of my father so he came in my lines.....
I shot back to 1964 for my Christmas memory... :)
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