Friday, August 16, 2013

Freedom for Love

Friends, our music prompt for today might surprise you. I learned recently about a new opera based on the life of Oscar Wilde, which just enjoyed its world premiere at The Santa Fe Opera, starring countertenor David Daniels in the role of Oscar, "a literary genius who sacrifices freedom for love."

I know nothing at all about opera, but David Daniels has knocked me off my feet with his incredible voice and equally wonderful charisma. I’d LOVE to see this performance, which you can read about here: OSCAR

Songs/videos from Oscar are not yet available online (at least I couldn’t find any), so I share this great clip of David Daniels singing the aria 'Barbaro Traditor' from Antonio Vivaldi's opera Bajazet for your inspiration. Enjoy!

As always, I look forward to reading your (new) poems inspired in any way by David Daniels, Oscar Wilde, opera, Vivaldi, Santa Fe, countertenors, or what have you! 


Kay L. Davies said...

It's getting late here. My husband and the dog are both asleep. So I'll listen to the music tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'll think about opera, which is easy tonight because I was just thinking about my godmother, who treated me to a culture summer when I was 15, with opera and ballet and lovely dinners in beautiful restaurants.
And I'll think about Santa Fe, because I've always wanted to visit there but haven't done so yet.
And I'll think about you, because I haven't been able to comment on your poetry lately, and SO wanted to sometimes.

Marian said...

and now i'm thinking about you as a teenager, Kay. xo

Unknown said...

Up half the morning with the baby, then staying awake to Wilde poetry and Vivaldi, what I was inspired to by this great prompt was

Kerry O'Connor said...

I fell in love with the writing of Oscar Wilde at the age of 14 - the stories, the plays, the poetry.. and I played the role of Lady Bracknell in 'The Importance of Being Earnest' at 16. I have been so very low on inspiration but I will certainly spend some time thinking about this challenge, in the hopes that something will come to the light of day.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

OOOOOOOO, what a topic. Central to my very existence and one of the great learnings of my life. Now if only I can WRITE it!

Unknown said...

Apologies on repeating my comment link up in mr links where it belonged. After being up all morning, I was so sleepy that I think I was trying to put my name where the link belonged and vice versa, which of course didn't work. Note to self: sleep before trying to fill out a form.

Marian said...

but don't sleep before writing a poem, Cyn-- love yours. sleep deprivation clearly works for you!

Susan said...

How happy Oscar Wilde would be to see legal gay marriage in some places. I don't think he would like "Oscar" which seems to be a Christ-figure morality opera, though his "De Profundis" suggested some of the images. He would have loved the acting and David Daniels. I think. Thank you for this surprising and welcome prompt.

Unknown said...

Marian, I like how your poem creases an edge around its title and final line without actually detailing what is against any law except through the implication that it centers around a choice made between freedom and love. ✒Cyn

Susie Clevenger said...

Love the challenge Marian! I haven't written a poem this long in ages!!

Fireblossom said...

Vivaldi is my favorite composer.

Anonymous said...

I am not a poet but boy do I love it and now you are introducing me to a different aspect. Thank you.

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for highlighting this opera. Wilde is one of my favorite writers and rebels. I would like to see this.

Hannah said...

Excellent as always, Marian!! Thank you!!

Hannah said...

I love everything about your poem, Marian!! :)

Ella said...

Thank you Marian! I look forward to this challenge~ :D I can't hear the video?! I am off to discover why?!

Marian said...

so glad this challenge resonated! heh. i love the variety of responses, and some very beautiful truth-telling.

ella, i hope you were able to hear it? maybe if you click through to YouTube instead of trying to watch it here at RT?

xo to all!

Margaret said...

So busy getting my daughter into her college digs and my others ready for school. I hope to be back to at LEAST enjoy reading what others come up with!

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