Welcome to the seventh "Play it Again, Toads!". The images posted here are an OPTION - they do NOT have to be used in this challenge. If you DO use one, you must combine it with an archived challenge. You may select a challenge from the three I highlight below OR choose any challenge the Imaginary Garden has ever offered. The archive in on the right sidebar - 2011-2014.
The images are from a kayaking trip my husband and I took with two of our children a couple of weekends past. The lake is located just around the corner from our home and is the fist time we have enjoyed a day upon it's surface. It won't be the last! How is it I (we?) often enjoy such treasures close to home so rarely? I think prioritizing is in order.

Here are three challenges from previous July posts:
1) Poetic Exercise - Pick your favorite fortune cookie - imagined by Ella

Please, original poems only and link your specific post to Mr. Linky below. Make it clear which challenge you are resurrecting by including a link.
Remember, Open Link Monday is around the corner and available for those who are unable to finish this weekend. I look forward to reading your poems and I will be checking back here for any late submissions.
This is fast becoming one of my favourite prompts, Margaret. It is a rare opportunity to revisit some of our earlier challenges. Thank you for taking the time to select them.
look at that heron!!!! WOW.
Very cool-looking place, Margaret. It's fun to find the secrets all around us. Thanks for the challenge--I had a half-written scribble which grapeling's word list helped flesh out.
Very lovely challenges Margaret ~ I will be back in a bit ~
Your images astound, Margaret and thank you for picking some oldies but goodies to puzzle with!!
i really enjoyed writing this one... thank you margaret for bringing the prompts back!!
these pictures are so beautiful!! i envy you stay so close to a place so amazing...
PS i like the new Real Toad Button! Its awfully cute !! :)
I'm with Kerry and Marian :) ~
My Sunday has been so rushed but I have some ideas in the pipeline which I hope to give some structure to before tomorrow.
I love being able to go back to prompts I missed because I wasn't here.
Everyone is welcome to post late. I just finished commenting on Mama Zen's prompt and am having a stab at Hannah's - see if I can tie it in with this prompt…. hmmm..
I WILL be back later tonight - out to enjoy the respite between the storm clouds.
I selected Kenia's prompt, though that will shock none of you! I do like these features Margaret. Thanks for doing this!
Hi Margaret, and thanks for including my past challenge. It is always a pleasure to revisit old prompts.
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